Do You Offer Financing or Payment Plans? A new furnace or AC unit is a large investment. Even if you are great at saving and have some money put away for just such unexpected purchases, you may still want to check into a company’s financing or payment plans. Most companies have no interest offers or [Read more…]
Should I switch to a tankless water heater?
How Traditional Hot Water Tanks Work Traditional water heaters store a large amount of hot water ready to use for laundry, showers, or the dishwasher in a 40, 50 or larger size tank. It keeps this water ready to use, even when you run several hot water appliances at once. Traditional tanks keep the hot [Read more…]
We’d like to introduce some new faces!
We have some new faces around here at Powell & Turner! Our company is growing and we’re so excited to welcome our new team mates that bring their individual experience and expertise to our company. You may be seeing them around your neighborhoods, and we wanted you to hear it here first. [Read more…]
What You Need To Know When Purchasing An AC Unit
Unit Size When it comes to air conditioners, bigger isn’t always better. You want an AC unit that can comfortably handle cooling your entire space on the hottest days, but also small enough that it doesn’t waste energy and actually become less efficient when cooling your home. AC units are more efficient when they run [Read more…]