If you are experiencing any of the following, it may be time to replace your a/c unit…..
1) Your system takes R22 refrigerant – this refrigerant is obsolete and has been replaced with systems that utilize R410A refrigerant per EPA guidelines.
2) Your system is nearing it’s “life expectancy” – which is between 10 and 15 years for heat pumps and condensers
3) You have a major competent fail within the system, and your system is no longer covered under parts warranty – although it may be possible to repair the unit, it may be more more cost effective to replace the unit, which will then provide you with a new warranty on the parts (please note the term of the warranty depends on the brand installed)
4) You have a refrigerant leak within the HVAC system – although you can have refrigerant added, there is no guarantee on how long it will last unless the leak can be properly repaired
Please give us a call at 410-636-7614 and we can schedule an appointment for a free estimate for your a/c or full system replacement!