With the Summer Season rapidly approaching, you want to make sure that you keep your a/c working as efficiently as possible. We recommend the following tips to help keep your home cool this Summer:
Avoid leaving your doors open for long periods of time as that allows the cold air to escape, and also causes the heat and humidity from the outside to enter your home. You should also check around doors and windows to ensure that there are no gaps that is allowing the cold air to seep out.
Check your filter every couple of months to see if it needs to be changed. The filter size will be right on the filter itself and you can find most sizes at the majority of home improvement stores.
If you have not had your annual tune-up completed yet, give us a call and we can schedule the appointment for you. A system that is tuned-up runs more efficiently, and we also check for parts that may be failing and need to be replaced. **Please keep in mind that an HVAC system is mechanical and a part can be in great working condition today and then mechanically fail tomorrow, however a tune-up does help keep the a/c running longer and some parts will show signs of failing before it causes the a/c to stop working all together**
Cut back any shrubbery that is directly around the unit, as obstructions around the unit causes it to run harder and hotter, which not only causes a higher BGE bill, it can also cause some parts to fail prematurely.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if we can be of any assistance.